
A Different Kind of Holy War, Deuteronomy 2:14-18

Passage: Deuteronomy 2:14-18
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As we read Deuteronomy we are faced with the problems of a nation at war in the name of God. People often ask me how I can believe a God in who promotes genecide and ethnic cleansing. Isnt this Holy War? If we try to dismiss these questions as ancient abstractions, the news makes it real again. The rise of ISIL in Northern Iraq and Syria, with their massaquer of Yezeedis and Christians and the execution of Journalist James Foley are heart breaking mischaracterization of the will of God. We should be concerned, vocal, active, and prayerful about the situations there. We must also be clear communicators about what texts like Deuteronomy say about the character of God and His people.

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