A King Who Can Cry

Recently I read a comment that Trump may sin, and whether he confesses is between him and God.  Aside from the fact that Trump has clearly and publicly stated that he will never regret or apologize for anything he does, it made me wonder whether we who claim to follow Jesus have never considered a theology of Biblical leadership.  Leviticus 4 makes it clear that the greater one’s influence the deeper their moral responsibility.  Sin offerings were public acts, so ALL acts of confession were public confession.  Further, Leviticus 4:12 shows that when the nation sins, it is the leaders who bear the culpiblity and must confess on behalf of the people.  If you want to review what happens when a leader bears the responsibility for the people and repents please read the story of King Josiah (2 Chronicles 34).  If we believe the Bible, we must hold that anyone who does not have the capacity to say, “I was wrong” and “I am sorry” has neither the capacity nor the qualifications for leadership.  I am deeply concerned for those “evangelicals” who claim the man in the White House is “God’s man.”  I have met God’s Man and He looks nothing like this.  When we nailed Him to a Cross, He said “forgive them Father, they no not what they do.”  He continues to stand in the Holy Place to plead for our sins, not ours only, but for those of the whole world.  He is the only King I will serve, and the standard by which we and our leaders will be measured. 

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