Can A Gentile Be Saved?

As Jews and Christians both wrestle how to fit Jewish Believers in a convenient box, it becomes evident that we have forgotten the central question of the New Testament, Can a Gentile be saved? And if so, how? This was question was on the mind of Jesus’ Disciples as the Messiah spoke to a woman in Samaria and a man in the Gedarenes. This was crisis precipitated when the house of Cornelius believed Peter’s message and received the Holy Spirit. This is the problem that arose when Jesus told His disciples, “Go therefore into all the world and preach the Gospel.” This question was the basis of the first two Jerusalem councils. There was never any question that Jesus was for the Jewish People- we have seen that New Testament catalogues believes in Jesus among the people, among the priesthood, and among the sect of the Pharisees. The question that needed to be settled, was, “Can Gentiles believe in Jesus too?”

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