In Good Company

Over the last few weeks I have been reading and reflecting on the Psalms each day. Along with spending time with God, I have been spending time with David, Asaph, and the sons of Korah, among others. As they share their sorrows, joys, and hopes, I find I am in good company. I have written some down some of what I have taken from these readings. From these, some of them I have shared with you. They are not really Bible studies. They are not really devotionals. They are more like synopsis. They are me trying to distill an ocean of thought in to a form small enough to carry in my pocket for the rest of the day. Whenever I stop, I feel this bit of ocean stone and remember I am in good company. So I have started sharing some other them with you. They are not finished, or polished or good. But I hope, as best as I can, that they are true and that you will read them, and perhaps read the Psalms that inspired each of them, and as you find in them your own fears, joy, and hopes, you will find yourself in the Good Company, with God and David, and Asaph and the Sons of Korah…and me. And I will know that I am in Good Company too. A company larger than I first thought.

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