Psalm 16:7-11 The Presence That Changes Our Perspective

In the closing verses of Psalm 16, the Psalmist give us the keys to Wisdom, Security, Joy, and Life. By constantly “setting the LORD before me” our lives are correctly measured, and our minds are consistently guided.  Faced with His eternity we are compelled to make the best use of our days.  In light of His Holiness we are led to honor Him.  Seeing His goodness, we desire to please Him.  Soon the tone of our thoughts and feelings change.  We find ourselves oriented to a new set of priorities and choices.  What we call “wisdom” is really the reverential fear of God put to practical use.

The Psalmist also speaks of security. When the earth trembles we fear.  When we fear we may tremble.  Whether things from outside us or inside us cause fear, there is “shaking”.  But when we know God is at our right hand, we need not be overcome by fear.  Though there is social, economic, or political instability, the unshakable LORD of Hosts is on His throne.  When the LORD makes us His, what can really shake us? 

There is joy in being guided by God and secure in God.  The Psalmist says, therefore, that is because of the guidance and security in the LORD, “my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices.”  When we know we have done our best to obey and please God in our thoughts and actions, and trust the outcome to His guidance, we often find worry lifted, and a sense of relief.  In His presence, there is “fullness of joy”.

There is also life in the Presence of God.  The Psalmist says, “at Your right hand there are pleasures forever.”  What good are eternal pleasures without eternal life?  For it seems like between us and God are deterioration, death, and decay.  Peter explaining this Psalm in the book of Acts says that though David says, “you will not allow your Holy One to see decay” if you looked in David’s tomb, you would see David’s bones.  Is there someone who did not see decay, who can make known to us the way of life?  There is One at God’s right hand that makes our pleasure eternal.  Jesus, Who rose from the dead, will raise us also, so that through Him we might enjoy the LORD forever.

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