After centuries of confiscating and burning copies of the Mishnah and Talmud, Christians had not only lost the ability to read and understand the language of the Tanakh (the Old Testament) , they also lost the trust of the Jewish people who might have taught them Hebrew. After driving God’s Chosen people from their countries or forcing them into ghettoes, the Gospel became as misunderstood by the Gentiles as the people who gave them Messiah. It was a man named Johannes Reuchlin who befriended his Jewish tailor. His tailor taught him Hebrew. Reuchlin taught Hebrew to Melanchthon who taught it to Luther. Luther began to recover the gospel of the Jewish Messiah until he declared that Christians should burn all the Jewish books. We thank God for a tailor who trusted a Gentile enough to teach him the language of the Book. Had Gentiles not expelled the Jews, but befriended them. Had they read Jewish books rather than burning them, a recovery of the Gospel may not have not been needed.
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