Rabbi of the Reformation

After centuries of confiscating and burning copies of the Mishnah and Talmud, Christians had not only lost the ability to read and understand the language of the Tanakh (the Old Testament) , they also lost the trust of the Jewish people who might have taught them Hebrew. After driving God’s Chosen people from their countries […]

A Biography of John Brown by WEB Dubois

The story of John Brown known to most of us but known by few of us, and to all of us will always be shrouded by mystery. The secrecy of the quiet but focused life of John Brown is both enigma and inspiration. There are bits of the story that shine through the shroud of […]

The Unreachable Edge

If we were staying still, light that began 40 billion years ago at a distant point in the universe would be reaching us now.  But it is not.  The universe is expanding at increasing speed, faster than the speed of light.  As a result we are pursued by ancient light that emanated long before we […]

The Jewish Roots of Thanksgiving?

Do you know of a holiday that celebrated the Fall harvest and took time to thank God for providing for the people as they settled in a new land?  This holiday is introduced in Leviticus 23:39-44.  It was not celebrated on the third Thursday of November but on the 15th day of the 7th month […]