The Cost of Mis-Reading IV The Very Worst Scenario

I have been posting these notes from my studies in the Torah in preparation of addressing an issue so horrible I hate to even speak of it. However since the issue has come up in the news and on my newsfeed twice in one month I feel like I should say something. In a news-piece a woman in a European country was mentioned at resisting the countries tradition of requiring a woman to marry her rapist. I don’t know where this tradition comes from, but I suspected at the time it was from the common perversion of Deuteronomy 22:28. Shortly after, I read some comments by a writer who was saying we should not take anything as good from the Bible because it required women to marry their rapists. This is an unthinkable practice, and a revictimization of people who have suffered the greatest wrong. At the same time is it a terrible mangling of a simple text. I want us to look at it next.

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