Why I Think Moses Wrote Deuteronomy

The logic behind the idea that Moses could not have written Deuteronomy is simply because it’s too accurate. As its author, Moses would have prophetically spoken of things that would happen 900 years later. If our assumption is that prophecy doesn’t occur, Deuteronomy must be a later composition. If we are going to accept the Mosaic authorship of Deuteronomy we will need to be open to miracles or at least vast coincidences.

Female Foundations of the Apostolic Ministry

The definition we have of “Apostle” is “one who was with us from the beginning” who will “bear witness to His resurrection”. (Acts 1:21-23) Since “Apostle” carries the idea of “one who is sent” there is an idea of being commissioned (Matthew 28:18-20) This are qualifications that Paul recognized himself unqualified to fill. Mary Magdalene, […]

Junia Among the Apostles

The motive for historically changing Junia’s name to a male but weird “Junias” was because certainly this person was an Apostle. Now that there is scholarly concensus that Junias was a woman we suddenly have a problem determining whether she was an a apostle based on what is meant by “among”

How to Begin with God

If Matthew chapters 1 and 2 are an encapsulation and re-enactment of the drama of the Old Testament, Matthew 3 begins where the Old Testament left off. John the Baptist is the promised Elijah who would warn the people before the “great and terrible day of the LORD.” (Malachi 4:5) The elements of Malachi 4 […]

God’s People, of a Tenuous, Unbreakable Thread of Hope

Matthew 2:7-12, 19-23 The people of God arise from faith in the promises of God.  God’s promises are certain.  They are also tenuous, thin, fragile, and delicate.  Like a thread connecting two things, the connection is a thin as it is real.  As God’s promises are, so also are His People.  The whole of Matthew […]

What Does Glory Look Like? Exodus 33:12-23

Chesterton says that most philosophies create virtue through moderation of passions.  A person attempts to manage his personality by neither becoming too angry or too joyful.  This calm demeanor is seen as a virtue. Christianity, Chesterton argues creates virtue through a conflict between two passions.  Exodus 34:5-9 we find these blazing opposites within the person […]