Junia Among the Apostles

The motive for historically changing Junia’s name to a male but weird “Junias” was because certainly this person was an Apostle. Now that there is scholarly concensus that Junias was a woman we suddenly have a problem determining whether she was an a apostle based on what is meant by “among”

How to Begin with God

If Matthew chapters 1 and 2 are an encapsulation and re-enactment of the drama of the Old Testament, Matthew 3 begins where the Old Testament left off. John the Baptist is the promised Elijah who would warn the people before the “great and terrible day of the LORD.” (Malachi 4:5) The elements of Malachi 4 […]

God’s People, of a Tenuous, Unbreakable Thread of Hope

Matthew 2:7-12, 19-23 The people of God arise from faith in the promises of God.  God’s promises are certain.  They are also tenuous, thin, fragile, and delicate.  Like a thread connecting two things, the connection is a thin as it is real.  As God’s promises are, so also are His People.  The whole of Matthew […]

What Does Glory Look Like? Exodus 33:12-23

Chesterton says that most philosophies create virtue through moderation of passions.  A person attempts to manage his personality by neither becoming too angry or too joyful.  This calm demeanor is seen as a virtue. Christianity, Chesterton argues creates virtue through a conflict between two passions.  Exodus 34:5-9 we find these blazing opposites within the person […]