Pride and Prejudice and the Laws of Inheritance

It amazes me both how much Torah has shaped Western culture and how much misinterpretation of Torah has shaped Western culture. A recent reading of Jane Austen got me thinking about the fact that even in the last century English women could not inherit land, and the kind of desperation that caused. I don’t know […]

Ask the Rabbi

Growing up, I learned that Hanukkah, Passover, and Purim spoke of the need, motive, and way of social justice.  Keeping the feasts and telling the stories kept us focused on the need to see and lift the oppression of others.  We were moved to do so because we ourselves had suffered.  We were compelled to […]

Walking Towards Already, A Message for Racial Reconciliation Sunday from Colossians 1:13-23

Julius Sprauve Elementary School was an all-black school, until my brother Aaron and I arrived.  We were not well received.  It got worse when the mini-series “Roots” came out.  The vivid depiction of slavery raised deep feelings in my classmates.  Their anger was leveled at my brother and me. I learned that time does not […]


I am concerned about the trend that sees and refers to others as “sheeple”, “zombies”, and “lizard people”. While ideological tags like “conservative” or “liberal” tend to shrink the scope of another’s personhood, these animal or undead tags aim to remove the personhood of others entirely.Contrast this with a few concepts that arise from the […]

A Biography of John Brown by WEB Dubois

The story of John Brown known to most of us but known by few of us, and to all of us will always be shrouded by mystery. The secrecy of the quiet but focused life of John Brown is both enigma and inspiration. There are bits of the story that shine through the shroud of […]

The Unreachable Edge

If we were staying still, light that began 40 billion years ago at a distant point in the universe would be reaching us now.  But it is not.  The universe is expanding at increasing speed, faster than the speed of light.  As a result we are pursued by ancient light that emanated long before we […]