Present Pain and the Promise of Healing

In the last week as I have watched and prayed and cried regarding things in Israel, I could not help but think of John’s closing vision in Revelation. Here are two sections of that vision:  “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride […]

A Virgin Shall Be With Child?

What is the Prophecy of Isaiah 7? Recently during an episode of American Pickers, I found each commercial break was occupied by advertisement for a show presenting the “truth” about Jesus’ birth.  The commercial claimed that the Virgin Birth of Jesus was the result of a mistranslation of the Bible.  I am not concerned that […]

Torah and Natural Law

God’s interest in justice flows out of His interest in and love for His Creation.  This is at the core of the uniqueness of God’s revelation to the Jewish people.  The Greco-Roman world pictured justice as a blind-folded maiden with a scale and a sword.  The Torah presents Justice as emanating from an All-Seeing God with a Heart of Compassion. 

The Law in a world of Laws

In The Mind of the Maker, Dorothy Sayers makes some clarifying distinctions about “law” and “laws”. She speaks of laws that are based on consensus, contrasted with laws rooted in nature of things . The second are generally learned by observation and subject to the test of an if/then clause. If an apple is released […]

Can A Gentile Be Saved?

As Jews and Christians both wrestle how to fit Jewish Believers in a convenient box, it becomes evident that we have forgotten the central question of the New Testament, Can a Gentile be saved? And if so, how? This was question was on the mind of Jesus’ Disciples as the Messiah spoke to a woman […]

Rabbi of the Reformation

After centuries of confiscating and burning copies of the Mishnah and Talmud, Christians had not only lost the ability to read and understand the language of the Tanakh (the Old Testament) , they also lost the trust of the Jewish people who might have taught them Hebrew. After driving God’s Chosen people from their countries […]

Jesus’ Teaching, Jesus’ Atoning Death- Which is Most Important?

What people have called for 200 years “Liberal” and “Conservative” theology, then, are not extreme ends of a pole, but two variations of the same heresy, that stand apart from and against an orthodoxy that holds the Cross of Christ and the Teaching of Christ in balance and in tension with each other.   

Yom Kippur – And Heaven

When Jesus went to His “Father’s House” to “prepare a place for us” He was not simply going there to dust the furniture and change the sheets.  He had come to earth to make sinners fit for Heaven.  He has returned there to get Heaven ready to receive sinners, to receive us…